Tuesday 9 August 2011

Hakuna Matata...

This weekend provided my first opportunity to escape Johannesburg, escape the poverty stricken township of Alexandra and head north into the African sunset. This weekend was safari time (with a couple of other stops...).
It all started early Saturday morning, when we travelled north to Lesede Cultural Village. This is essentially a walking tour around different rural African tribal settlements recreated to give an informative overview of the history and culture of South Africa. It was pretty interesting. The cheapest woman I could have bought would have cost 13 cows, 20 was the most expensive. It was an option. The traditional tribal dancing at the end of the tour was very impressive... and a little scary!

We then continued north for a few more hours until we reached the National Park, a safe-haven for the wild animals of South Africa. As a little taster of what was to come tomorrow, we were allowed to do a mini self-drive tour around the park before the sun went down. To be honest we were not expecting to see much so close to the beginning, other than the scenery and maybe a few small animals. As it turns out, we got very lucky. Within 20 minutes we had seen Zebra’s and White Rhinos, a bit later we saw elephants! I had been told not to expect to see any of them, so that was a pleasant surprise. No less than 10 minutes later and the biggest find of the evening, a small pride of lions eating a bison/cow/bearded goat animal thingy! So that was already a few of the Big 5 before we had really started!

The sun went down and we retreated to our guesthouse for the night to get some sleep before the 5am wake-up Sunday morning. I would have been quite happy to just go back home, what else could we really hope to see!?
So it’s just gone 6am, it is freezing, and I am sitting on the jeep, completely exposed to the elements due to lack of windows and windshield, with nothing but a small threadbare blanket to share with my friend waiting for the tour to begin....
In a nutshell, we saw a Hippo, countless more elephants, Zebras, Buffalo, Rhinos...but for the life of me after nearly a 3 hour tour we had yet to see a Giraffe! Not a single one. There were meant to be hundreds! The gods eventually answered our prayers. On the way back to the gate, we see a car parked on the side of the trail, people unmoving inside, staring into space. What is that in the distance? Surely it can’t be a giraffe...? It was. More than one, there were loads of them! Where had they been hiding!? We couldn’t get very close to them, but it was nice to finally see them. I know a certain young lady who really wanted a picture of a giraffe.

The highlight of the tour was undoubtedly seeing another lion, a very big one! It must have just eaten something because its belly was looking ready to explode. We were fortunate enough to be able to track it for a little while, but the longer it went on the more and more jeeps and mini-vans seemed to join in the chase. At one point the lion boldly stepped into the main trial, and slowly sauntered along causing quite a traffic jam behind it. How I would have loved to be at the front of that queue!

I tried my best to take some nice pictures, though for a safari I think you really need a “proper” camera. I did my best with my well travelled little digital, but even well taken photographs cannot do justice to the experience.

I’d recommend an African Safari to anyone! I think when I get back home I’ll be taking the lady to West Midlands Safari Park... it’s the best that England can offer. Just hope the naughty monkeys do not destroy what is left of my clapped out car!
On the way home we paid a visit to Sun City, but that’s not really worth talking about. I guess it is like a Centre Parks/all in one package holiday centre, which could make a nice week away, but maybe no more than that. It is within range of the National Park, and has a crocodile farm and Water Park amongst other things, and also a very large sports screen! I managed to catch the second half of the Community Shield, not a bad half of football to catch! Nani’s first goal was particularly special. The only downside to the weekend was learning that Leeds lost their opening game of the season... things can only get better!
Ps, what on earth has happened to England this week!? I think I’m safer in South Africa!

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