Friday 22 July 2011

Teaching in South Africa

Hello and welcome to JiA - "Johnny In Africa"

For those of you who are a little unsure as to what I am doing in Africa, and are wondering just where I have disappeared to (this time!) I'll give you a quick summary...

A couple of weeks ago I qualified as a teacher of secondary mathematics at the University of Warwick, and in a moment of madness I volunteered to go and teach in the townships of South Africa instead of having a summer holiday!!

This was all done through a charitable programme set up by the University of Warwick to bring high quality teaching of maths to the children of South Africa, as a means to escaping poverty for the majority, and not just the lucky few. A high quality education is priceless, yet it is something that not many in South Africa can afford. We honestly don't know just how lucky we are.

You will find a rather inspiring video detailing what I am doing on this website:

Basically, I will be based in Johannesburg

and will be travelling by mini-bus every day to the township of Alexandra to teach maths at 'East Bank High', to children aged from 12 to around 16, possibly older.

I was planning on just popping over there, doing my teaching, and then coming back before anybody even noticed I had gone. However, 4 years after my award winning blog of my travels in 2007 detailing my expedition in Borneo:

I have been asked to again blog on my experiences. It will be a very different blog from last time, there will be far less globetrotting, but I will try and make it as interesting as possible for my avid fans... this will be about teaching maths in South Africa.

Until next time...

Bye Bye


ps, for any PGCE survivors out there, consider this the blog of a "reflective practitioner" (thank you Warwick).

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